
My TC Got Yellow

I did a nice job in the topcoder China tournament two days ago. 
It is really an easy contest. The 250 and 500 are easy problems that can be solved straightforwardly. The 1000pt problem is an greedy that takes a little thought and I managed to solve it in just 11 mins, which made me to the top 20 coders that night. 
During the challenge phase, I gained just 50 pt with only one successful challenge. At last, I got 1555pt and gained 112 points for that nice preformance and made my rating to 1554 and got it yellow! 


here is my forth blog

Welcome every visitors and I will be very glad if you give me some comments. I use this blog simply with the reason that it runs fast and it is relatively private.
In this blog, I will make it a notebook for me. It will record my experience in my daily life. I will give some topics on my mood, on some techique articles and share with you some interesting pictures.
My other blogs include the BaiduHi(http://hi.baidu.com/millky_wang) and CSDN(http://blog.csdn.net/millky), which i have used for some months.

My life is filled with football( especially Inter Milan), programming(maily C++ and C#), algorithm(as a beginner) and making friends.

I am currently a student seeking a master degree on computer science in Tongji University from Shanghai, China.